Year 2012
Location Goethe Institut Mumbai / Max Mueller Bhavan
Cooperation with NUANS
Guests CAMP, Hannes Böhringer, Shruti Mahajan, Hobbypop Museum, Raqs Media Collective, Elsa Fanton d’Andon, Géraldine Longueville, Olav Mackaay
Objects and people can basically be divided into two categories: Some are active, transportable, on the move. Others remain fixed, immobile, tied to one position. At Max Mueller gallery (Max Mueller Bhavan) NUANS is organizing an exhibition dedicated to a chapter of the publication APOGEE. The project combines elements of a book presentation, an art exhibition with contributors from the book, and a live performance with local musicians. Considering the material APOGEE is based on wood, which could also have been used for something completely different, such as a house or a boat. As a publication APOGEE ships a team of 80 artists and authors to different locations. In order to reach new readers, a book has to be translated into different languages and formats. Printed content can travel through space and time, but language transfer occasionally overlooks special associations and nuances. The exhibition in Mumbai explores various aspects of transport and translation of ideas that approach their true content through variation and realization. In this way, misunderstandings and absurdities can ultimately lead to enrichment and complexity.